Press Photos of the Opening, Wednesday, 14 Sept. 2016

For editorial purposes related to the World Congress, members of the press are permitted to reproduce all images free of charge. The copyright must be observed and an appropriate notice included. For any other purpose the office of the BGT has to be asked for permission.

Source: BGT e.V. / Photos: © Ulrich Pfeiffer

Im Interview F. Suga und D. Brosey (v.l.)
560 Experten aus aller Welt
V. Lipp und D. Brosey (Kongress-Präsidium)
Dr. Matth. v. Schwanenflügel (BMFSFJ)
Dr. Matth. v. Schwanenflügel (BMFSFJ)
H.-J. Dose (Bundesgerichtshof)
Adrian Ward (Schottland)
Prof. Dr. Th. Degener
Prof. Dr. A. Paulus (Bundesverfassungsgericht)
Prominente Gäste beim Weltkongress